
『アイの物語』英語版『THE STORIES OF IBIS』が、4月20日よりアメリカで発売されています。




 この「HAIKASORU」というのは、日本のSFやファンタジー英語圏に翻訳出版している叢書で、これまでにも、神林長平戦闘妖精・雪風』、乙一『ZOO』、小川一水『時砂の王』、野尻抱介『太陽の簒奪者』、宮部みゆきブレイブ・ストーリー』『英雄の書』、高見広春バトル・ロワイアル』、桜坂洋All You Need Is Kill 』『スラム・オンライン』などが訳されています。

 ちなみに「HAIKASORU」という名前は、フィリップ・K・ディックのSF『高い城の男』に由来します。「High Castle 」の発音をローマ字表記したのだそうです。(だったら「TAKAISHIRO」でもいいんじゃないかって気がしますが……)




I could believe any other story. A sentient warship destroying four Federation battleships, a hyperdimensional vortex swallowing up planets, the vicious shape-shifting mechanoid reaper, the existence of the great Sower who scattered the seeds of intelligent life throughout the galaxy?for all that I could suspend my disbelief. But Shawn killing someone . . .


Before sitting down on the cushion I put out for him, the detective took a slow turn around the center of the room, eyeing various things with a penetrating look. "Hmm . . ." he murmured. It was probably a habit that came with the job, but I couldn't help shrinking in embarrassment. The bookshelves stuffed with science fiction novels, the piles of manga stacked on the floor, the model of the Enterprise hanging from the ceiling, the computer taking up most of the small table, a half-finished drawing, and the toy figures arranged along the top of the monitor were hardly the kinds of things found in a single woman's room.


But I now knew that was an impossible dream. With the developments in space travel all but stalled in real life, I couldn't believe that the age in which civilians could take a casual trip to space would come before I died of decrepitude. Traveling to another planetary system at speeds surpassing the speed of light was physically impossible, and the probability of an interplanetary visitor attempting first contact virtually nil. The human race would likely continue to be bound by earth's gravity, only to die in obscurity without having learned of the existence of multitudes of intelligent species.

(原文: 現実の宇宙開発は停滞していて、私が老衰で死ぬ前に民間人が気軽に宇宙旅行に出かけられる時代が来るとは思えない。ましてや光の速度を超えて他の恒星系に行くなど物理的に不可能だ。異星人がコンタクトしてくる確率も、ゼロではないけども限りなく小さい。おそらく人類という種は地球の重力に縛られ続け、他のたくさんの知的種族の存在も知らないまま、ひとつの星の上で孤独に朽ち果てていくのだろう。)



“February at the Edge of Time ”

“God Never Keeps Silent”

“The Unseen Sorrow of Winter”

“Day of Judgment”



